The e-inclusion programme of the city of Ghent

Since 2006, District09 and the city of Ghent have been joining forces building a digitally inclusive Ghent where its citizens can really grasp the opportunities that come with a digital world, instead of being shut out.

Empowering citizens

We encourage the citizens of Ghent to take their first steps in the digital world by offering them digital access and support. One of our long-lasting projects is the ‘Digipunt’ project. With this project we create free access to computer and internet in more than 30 locations in Ghent. In every location there is a volunteer who can answer users’ specific digital questions.

District09 werkt aan e-inclusie - Digipunten

Supporting local organisations

We support organizations in Ghent with materials, expertise, connections and so on, so they can fully focus on completing their e-inclusion programmes for specific target groups.

District09 e-inclusie digitale uitleendienst

Empowering city services

We focus on e-inclusion internally, both for the City Council and District09, encouraging the organisation to count digital inclusion as part of its DNA.

District09 city deal e-inclusion by design

Beyond our city borders 

We are also known as an inclusive knowledge centre outside of the city boundaries, since we take part in broader networks – Flemish, Belgian and European - than just the local ones.

Find out more

Would you like to know more about our projects? Get in touch with our team.